Apparent distance Miranda – centre of Uranus: ~8 arcsec,
Faint star!
Distance of the Moon to occultation targets: 15 deg,
Long max. duration of 51 seconds!
Marcelo Assafin, RIO team, wrote on Planoccult: “The occultation is scientifically worthwhile. It brings the opportunity to probe the unknown but probably also very irregular satellite’s limb from the northern point of view – Voyager 2 observations did that from the opposite side during its flyby in 1986… Ideally, exposures around 0.1 – 0.5 s will give 1 – 5 km resolution, rivaling with Voyager 2 measurements. Larger instruments and more sensitive cameras are especially welcome to join in the campaign. Observations without filters are recommended to improve the signal-noise ratio.”